Today is the last day of the CPAC convention in Washington, DC. And while the C-Packers have been busy rubbing elbows at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park Hotel, they've been missing some of the most depressing headlines that a conservative could see .. headlines about how the President is making better progress in Afghanistan than Bush did, how the economy is recovering faster then Europe's under Obama's leadership, how the public option is roaring back to life, or even how Sarah Palin got an epic beatdown by an actress with Down Syndrome. Frankly, if it weren't for the thrill of seeing Ron Paul, the numbing effects of alcohol, and the readily available convention nookie, I imagine CPAC would look quite a bit like Jonestown right now.
But for us, the happy, proud liberals of this nation, it's been a hell of a week, and maybe the start of a turn-around. What better way to cap this week than with a glorious weekend that starts with a cozy blanket, a cup of hot tea, and a basket full of fresh-from-the-oven ITEMS!