2011 Predictions
So....I used to keep a LiveJournal where I would post my predictions for the year, and then grade myself one year later. Now that LiveJournal is dying and I've mostly moved to my new blog, I'd like to...
View ArticleMistake!
This video came to mind just a little while ago:Why? Because I read this in the Trib.President Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former U.S....
View ArticleURGENT They're running out of medicine in Cairo
Reports are trickling in through Twitter that the hospitals and pharmacies are running out of medicine needed to treat the wounded. Appeals are going out to the Egyptian military, the International Red...
View ArticleA tale of two Egypts
The cameras have, for the most part, turned away from the spectacle in Egypt. Mubarak is, of course, gone. The protests haven't completely died down but most of them have faded away (and the ones that...
View ArticleEconomy improving, but slowing down thanks to oil.
The good news: at last, the job market is improving enough for people to notice. USA Today reports:Employers plan to hire 19.3% more recent graduates this year, says a report by the National...
View ArticleThe Weiner Smear, or, why Gennette Cordova should lawyer up and sue Breitbart.
One thing I learned fast in politics is that if your opponents, particularly Republican opponents, don't have real dirt on you, they will go to great lengths to manufacture fake dirt. This is precisely...
View ArticleRIGHT NOW: Mass Arrests of OccupyChicago in Grant Park. Livestream. (Edit:...
OccupyChicago is standing off against the Chicago Police Department in Grant Park. The Occupation plans to stay in Grant Park in order to express their dissatisfaction at the growing plutocracy....
View Article2011 Prediction Scorecard
Every year since 2002 (although I have only started doing this on DailyKos last year), I have made a series of predictions about the coming year; every year since 2003, I have scored myself on how I...
View ArticleMy predictions for 2012
I just gave you my scorecard for my predictions for 2011; if you missed them, you can find them on LiveJournal or on DailyKos. Now, I present my predictions for 2012. As usual, I'll grade myself on...
View ArticleBen Nelson Retires
Earlier today I posted my prediction that the Democrats would barely hold on to the Senate. Ben Nelson of Nebraska must have seen my analysis, because he's hanging it up.The 70-year-old conservative...
View ArticleThings I wish President Obama would say in his State of the Union Address.
Dear President Obama,I know you're busy writing tonight's State of the Union address, the talking points for which are here, but I thought I might offer a few suggestions for things you'd want to add....
View ArticleIranian Oil Industry Hit by Cyber-Attack
Someone really doesn't like Iranian industry. Quoting Slashdot:"Iran disconnected computer systems at a number of its oil facilities in response to a cyber attack that hit multiple industry targets...
View Article34 Things Every Man Should Know by Age 30 (In praise of Jade Sylvan)
I've been pondering Jade Sylvan's impressive list 30 Things Every Woman Should Know by Age 30. Mostly, I wish I had a list like this for myself when I was in my twenties. So why not make one?For the...
View ArticleWhy I'm cracking up at Tea Party nonsense over Dick Lugar.
Right now I'm cracking up at the Tea Party telling themselves that Liberals just LURV Senator Dick Lugar (R-IN) over Koch Brothers puppet Richard Mourlock. For example:"This is whats going to happen:...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to the DNC re: the Wisconsin Recall.
Dear considerate folks at the Democratic National Committee,I was interested to read your fundraising letter this morning:maxomai -- Picture this:It's the morning of June 4th. You head to the airport...
View Article2012 Predictions Check-in
If you recall, my predictions for 2012, made in December 2011, were as follows - you can get the reasoning behind each one at the original diary. They are:Barack Obama will be re-elected to a second...
View ArticleRomney Campaign concedes Florida
Via the ThinkProgress Twitter feed comes this Miami Herald Story:Romney campaign: We lost Florida President Obama will win Florida when all votes are counted, judging from the makeup of the ballots...
View ArticleWHAT HAPPENED TO MY KPOJ!?! (A Primer)
Q: So I turned on my radio, which is tuned to KPOJ, and instead of Carl in the Morning I have this Fox Sports bullshit. What the fuck?A: Yes, I thought you might wonder about that. What happened is...
View Article2012 Prediction Scorecard
A year ago - December 27, 2011 - I gave my predictions for what would happen in 2012. Unlike most other political pundits, however, I score myself on my predictions a year later.My predictions for last...
View Article2013 predictions
I just gave you my scorecard for my predictions for 2012; if you missed it, you can find it here. Now, I present my predictions for 2013. As usual, I'll grade myself on these a year from now -- but...
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